Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day Zero

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

My Tasks:
  1. Read all unread books on my bookshelves.
  2. Learn how to order an alcoholic beverage that I like.
  3. Graduate college with honors. [Or at least a 3.8 GPA].
  4. Make Dean’s List at my college at least once.
  5. Write in a journal every day.
  6. Visit mainland Europe.
  7. Visit Asia.
  8. Go to Cairo.
  9. Learn to play another instrument.
  10. Attend the 2010 World Cup in Johannesburg, South Africa.
  11. Grow camellias.
  12. Read Dante’s Divine Comedy, in English, and Italian.
  13. Become fluent in French [and hold a conversation with a native speaker.]
  14. Become fluent in Arabic [and hold a conversation with a native speaker.]
  15. Take a picture of myself every day in the 1001.
  16. Go to a concert in another country.
  17. Learn how to make sushi.
  18. Make a new friend.
  19. Submit something to be published somewhere.
  20. Go on a road trip.
  21. Learn a Greek dance in Athens.
  22. Get a tattoo.
  23. Edit an article on Wikipedia.
  24. Learn how to mix drinks.
  25. Get a part-time job I enjoy.
  26. Watch a football match in a foreign country, aside from the World Cup.
  27. Watch all 101 films on [0/101]
  28. Learn a whole song on guitar.
  29. Visit Walden Pond.
  30. Participate in the Beckoning of Lovely.
  31. Host a dinner party.
  32. Visit the ocean.
  33. Go to Montauk, NY.
  34. Lose 10 pounds [0/10]
  35. Take at least 3 classes just for fun [0/3]
  36. Run a race.
  37. Take yoga for a month.
  38. Meet the Dalai Lama
  39. Read every religious text, and reserve judgement.
  40. Move out.
  41. Move on.
  42. Ride a train across some section of Europe.
  43. Read Anna Karenina all the way through this time.
  44. Wear something crazy.
  45. Get a different haircut.
  46. Find a little black dress.
  47. Attend a party, and be the life of it.
  48. Learn how to sail a boat.
  49. Buy someone flowers for no reason.
  50. Play in the leaves during autumn.
  51. Be an extra in a film.
  52. Learn how to keep plants alive.
  53. Keep in touch with old friends.
  54. Write family letters.
  55. Buy a typewriter.
  56. Stay a night in a trashy motel.
  57. Learn to be unafraid of hostels.
  58. Volunteer somewhere that needs me.
  59. Volunteer somewhere I may one day need.
  60. Take a picture that I will be proud of.
  61. Learn how to ballroom dance!
  62. Learn how to figure skate!
  63. Put $5 in a piggy bank every day and then on September 29, 2011, book tickets to somewhere I haven’t been.
  64. Do something randomly kind for 30 days. [0/30]
  65. Visit 25 museums [1/25]
  66. Go to Chicago and take a picture with the Bean!
  67. Go to a fancy/well-known art gallery.
  68. Carve a jack-o-lantern.
  69. Skydive. Once.
  70. Mail in a secret to PostSecret
  71. Visit 5 “gardens.” [1/5]
  72. Visit 5 zoos. [1/5]
  73. Go to Dodge, then get the hell out of it.
  74. Make a list of things that make me happy.
  75. Eat entirely organic for one month.
  76. Foster an animal.
  77. Go swimming every day for two weeks.
  78. Visit the English seaside.
  79. Catch a butterfly.
  80. Succeed in NaBloPoMo.
  81. Win at NaNoWriMo.
  82. Keep track of all of the books read for one year.
  83. Go sing karaoke somewhere.
  84. Accept all social invites for one week.
  85. Take the MENSA test.
  86. Be on time for work once, or twice.
  87. Learn a way to keep myself from biting my nails.
  88. Play 18 holes of golf. [0/18]
  89. Handmake decorations for a holiday, or a room.
  90. Go on an archaeological dig.
  91. Ride a train across the US.
  92. Donate blood.
  93. Write a letter to a company with a comment, question or concern.
  94. Write my resume.
  95. Use only cash for a week.
  96. Read 10 non-fiction books [that are unassigned].
  97. Avoid jury duty.
  98. Invent a crafty way to get rid of creeps.
  99. Have more fun with my friends and family.
  100. Feel better about my appearance.
  101. Make another list once this one is complete.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

  1. Read all unread books on my bookshelves.
  2. Learn how to order an alcoholic beverage that I like.
  3. Graduate college with honors. [Or at least a 3.8 GPA].
  4. Make Dean’s List at my college at least once.
  5. Write in a journal every day. [0/1001]
  6. Visit mainland Europe.
  7. Visit Asia.
  8. Go to Cairo.
  9. Learn to play another instrument.
  10. Attend the 2010 World Cup in Johannesburg, South Africa.
  11. Grow camellias.
  12. Read Dante’s Divine Comedy, in English, and Italian.
  13. Become fluent in French [and hold a conversation with a native speaker.]
  14. Become fluent in Arabic [and hold a conversation with a native speaker.]
  15. Post at least 20 videos this year on 1001books. [0/20]
  16. Go to a concert in another country.
  17. Learn how to make sushi.
  18. Make a new friend.
  19. Submit something to be published somewhere.
  20. Go on a road trip.
  21. Learn a Greek dance in Athens.
  22. Get a tattoo.
  23. Edit an article on Wikipedia.
  24. Learn how to mix drinks.
  25. Get a part-time job I enjoy.
  26. Watch a football match in a foreign country, aside from the World Cup.
  27. Watch all 101 films on [0/101]
  28. Learn a whole song on guitar.
  29. Visit Walden Pond.
  30. Participate in the Beckoning of Lovely.
  31. Host a dinner party.
  32. Visit the ocean.
  33. Go to Montauk, NY.
  34. Learn how to be happy with my weight.
  35. Take at least 3 classes just for fun [0/3]
  36. Run a race.
  37. Take yoga for a month.
  38. Meet the Dalai Lama
  39. Read every religious text, and reserve judgement.
  40. Move out.
  41. Move on.
  42. Ride a train across some section of Europe.
  43. Read Anna Karenina all the way through this time.
  44. Wear something crazy.
  45. Get a different haircut.
  46. Find a little black dress.
  47. Attend a party, and be the life of it.
  48. Learn how to sail a boat.
  49. Buy someone flowers for no reason.
  50. Play in the leaves during autumn.
  51. Be an extra in a film.
  52. Learn how to keep plants alive.
  53. Recommend books for 5 friends that match them. [3/5]
  54. Write family letters.
  55. Buy a typewriter.
  56. Stay a night in a trashy motel.
  57. Learn to be unafraid of hostels, then stay in one.
  58. Volunteer somewhere that needs me.
  59. Volunteer somewhere I may one day need.
  60. Take a picture that I will be proud of.
  61. Learn how to ballroom dance!
  62. Learn how to figure skate!
  63. Save up money to use at the end of this challenge!
  64. Do something randomly kind for 30 days. [0/30]
  65. Visit 25 museums [6/25]
  66. Go to Chicago and take a picture with the Bean!
  67. Go to a fancy/well-known art gallery.
  68. Carve a jack-o-lantern.
  69. Skydive. Once.
  70. Mail in a secret to PostSecret.
  71. Visit 5 “gardens.” [3/5]
  72. Visit 5 zoos. [1/5]
  73. Go to Dodge, then get the hell out of it.
  74. Make a list of things that make me happy.
  75. Eat entirely organic for one month.
  76. Foster an animal.
  77. Go swimming every day for two weeks.
  78. Visit the English seaside.
  79. Catch a butterfly.
  80. Succeed in NaBloPoMo. [27/30]
  81. Win at NaNoWriMo.
  82. Keep track of all of the books read for one year.
  83. Go sing karaoke somewhere.
  84. Accept all social invites for one week.
  85. Take the MENSA test.
  86. Be on time for work once, or twice.
  87. Learn a way to keep myself from biting my nails.
  88. Play 18 holes of golf. [0/18]
  89. Handmake decorations for a holiday, or a room.
  90. Go on an archaeological dig.
  91. Ride a train across the US.
  92. Donate blood.
  93. Write a letter to a company with a comment, question or concern.
  94. Write my resume.
  95. Use only cash for a week.
  96. Read 10 non-fiction books [that are unassigned]. [10/10]
  97. Avoid jury duty.
  98. Invent a crafty way to get rid of creeps.
  99. Have more fun with my friends and family.
  100. Feel better about my appearance.
  101. Make another list once this one is complete.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

:) Update!

  1. Read all unread books on my bookshelves.
  2. Learn how to order an alcoholic beverage that I like.
  3. Graduate college with honors. [Or at least a 3.8 GPA].
  4. Make Dean’s List at my college at least once.
  5. Write in a journal every day. [0/1001]
  6. Visit mainland Europe. [Greece! Italy! Portugal?]
  7. Visit Asia.
  8. Go to Cairo.
  9. Learn to play another instrument.
  10. Attend the 2010 World Cup in Johannesburg, South Africa.
  11. Grow camellias.
  12. Read Dante’s Divine Comedy, in English, and Italian.
  13. Become fluent in French [and hold a conversation with a native speaker.]
  14. Become fluent in Arabic [and hold a conversation with a native speaker.]
  15. Post at least 20 videos this year on 1001books. [0/20]
  16. Go to a concert in another country.
  17. Learn how to make sushi.
  18. Make a new friend.
  19. Submit something to be published somewhere.
  20. Go on a road trip.
  21. Learn a Greek dance in Athens.
  22. Get a tattoo.
  23. Edit an article on Wikipedia.
  24. Learn how to mix drinks.
  25. Get a part-time job I enjoy.
  26. Watch a football match in a foreign country, aside from the World Cup.
  27. Watch all 101 films on [0/101]
  28. Learn a whole song on guitar.
  29. Visit Walden Pond.
  30. Participate in the Beckoning of Lovely.
  31. Host a dinner party.
  32. Visit the ocean.
  33. Go to Montauk, NY.
  34. Learn how to be happy with my weight.
  35. Take at least 3 classes just for fun [0/3]
  36. Run a race.
  37. Take yoga for a month.
  38. Meet the Dalai Lama
  39. Read every religious text, and reserve judgement.
  40. Move out.
  41. Move on.
  42. Ride a train across some section of Europe.
  43. Read Anna Karenina all the way through this time.
  44. Wear something crazy.
  45. Get a different haircut.
  46. Find a little black dress.
  47. Attend a party, and be the life of it.
  48. Learn how to sail a boat.
  49. Buy someone flowers for no reason.
  50. Play in the leaves during autumn.
  51. Be an extra in a film.
  52. Learn how to keep plants alive.
  53. Recommend books for 5 friends that match them. [3/5]
  54. Write family letters.
  55. Buy a typewriter.
  56. Stay a night in a trashy motel.
  57. Learn to be unafraid of hostels, then stay in one.
  58. Volunteer somewhere that needs me.
  59. Volunteer somewhere I may one day need.
  60. Take a picture that I will be proud of.
  61. Learn how to ballroom dance!
  62. Learn how to figure skate!
  63. Save up money to use at the end of this challenge!
  64. Do something randomly kind for 30 days. [0/30]
  65. Visit 25 museums [1/25]
  66. Go to Chicago and take a picture with the Bean!
  67. Go to a fancy/well-known art gallery.
  68. Carve a jack-o-lantern.
  69. Skydive. Once.
  70. Mail in a secret to PostSecret.
  71. Visit 5 “gardens.” [1/5]
  72. Visit 5 zoos. [1/5]
  73. Go to Dodge, then get the hell out of it.
  74. Make a list of things that make me happy.
  75. Eat entirely organic for one month.
  76. Foster an animal.
  77. Go swimming every day for two weeks.
  78. Visit the English seaside.
  79. Catch a butterfly.
  80. Succeed in NaBloPoMo. [27/30]
  81. Win at NaNoWriMo.
  82. Keep track of all of the books read for one year.
  83. Go sing karaoke somewhere.
  84. Accept all social invites for one week.
  85. Take the MENSA test.
  86. Be on time for work once, or twice.
  87. Learn a way to keep myself from biting my nails.
  88. Play 18 holes of golf. [0/18]
  89. Handmake decorations for a holiday, or a room.
  90. Go on an archaeological dig.
  91. Ride a train across the US.
  92. Donate blood.
  93. Write a letter to a company with a comment, question or concern.
  94. Write my resume.
  95. Use only cash for a week.
  96. Read 10 non-fiction books [that are unassigned]. [6/10]
  97. Avoid jury duty.
  98. Invent a crafty way to get rid of creeps.
  99. Have more fun with my friends and family.
  100. Feel better about my appearance.
  101. Make another list once this one is complete.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

An Update!

  1. Read all unread books on my bookshelves.
  2. Learn how to order an alcoholic beverage that I like.
  3. Graduate college with honors. [Or at least a 3.8 GPA].
  4. Make Dean’s List at my college at least once.
  5. Write in a journal every day. [4/1001]
  6. Visit mainland Europe.
  7. Visit Asia.
  8. Go to Cairo.
  9. Learn to play another instrument.
  10. Attend the 2010 World Cup in Johannesburg, South Africa.
  11. Grow camellias.
  12. Read Dante’s Divine Comedy, in English, and Italian.
  13. Become fluent in French [and hold a conversation with a native speaker.]
  14. Become fluent in Arabic [and hold a conversation with a native speaker.]
  15. Post at least 20 videos this year on 1001books. [0/20]
  16. Go to a concert in another country.
  17. Learn how to make sushi.
  18. Make a new friend.
  19. Submit something to be published somewhere.
  20. Go on a road trip.
  21. Learn a Greek dance in Athens.
  22. Get a tattoo.
  23. Edit an article on Wikipedia.
  24. Learn how to mix drinks.
  25. Get a part-time job I enjoy.
  26. Watch a football match in a foreign country, aside from the World Cup.
  27. Watch all 101 films on [0/101]
  28. Learn a whole song on guitar.
  29. Visit Walden Pond.
  30. Participate in the Beckoning of Lovely.
  31. Host a dinner party.
  32. Visit the ocean.
  33. Go to Montauk, NY.
  34. Learn how to be happy with my weight.
  35. Take at least 3 classes just for fun [0/3]
  36. Run a race.
  37. Take yoga for a month.
  38. Meet the Dalai Lama
  39. Read every religious text, and reserve judgement.
  40. Move out.
  41. Move on.
  42. Ride a train across some section of Europe.
  43. Read Anna Karenina all the way through this time.
  44. Wear something crazy.
  45. Get a different haircut.
  46. Find a little black dress.
  47. Attend a party, and be the life of it.
  48. Learn how to sail a boat.
  49. Buy someone flowers for no reason.
  50. Play in the leaves during autumn.
  51. Be an extra in a film.
  52. Learn how to keep plants alive.
  53. Recommend books for 5 friends that match them. [3/5]
  54. Write family letters.
  55. Buy a typewriter.
  56. Stay a night in a trashy motel.
  57. Learn to be unafraid of hostels, then stay in one.
  58. Volunteer somewhere that needs me.
  59. Volunteer somewhere I may one day need.
  60. Take a picture that I will be proud of.
  61. Learn how to ballroom dance!
  62. Learn how to figure skate!
  63. Save up money to use at the end of this challenge!
  64. Do something randomly kind for 30 days. [0/30]
  65. Visit 25 museums [1/25]
  66. Go to Chicago and take a picture with the Bean!
  67. Go to a fancy/well-known art gallery.
  68. Carve a jack-o-lantern.
  69. Skydive. Once.
  70. Mail in a secret to PostSecret.
  71. Visit 5 “gardens.” [1/5]
  72. Visit 5 zoos. [1/5]
  73. Go to Dodge, then get the hell out of it.
  74. Make a list of things that make me happy.
  75. Eat entirely organic for one month.
  76. Foster an animal.
  77. Go swimming every day for two weeks.
  78. Visit the English seaside.
  79. Catch a butterfly.
  80. Succeed in NaBloPoMo. [27/30]
  81. Win at NaNoWriMo.
  82. Keep track of all of the books read for one year.
  83. Go sing karaoke somewhere.
  84. Accept all social invites for one week.
  85. Take the MENSA test.
  86. Be on time for work once, or twice.
  87. Learn a way to keep myself from biting my nails.
  88. Play 18 holes of golf. [0/18]
  89. Handmake decorations for a holiday, or a room.
  90. Go on an archaeological dig.
  91. Ride a train across the US.
  92. Donate blood.
  93. Write a letter to a company with a comment, question or concern.
  94. Write my resume.
  95. Use only cash for a week.
  96. Read 10 non-fiction books [that are unassigned]. [3/10]
  97. Avoid jury duty.
  98. Invent a crafty way to get rid of creeps.
  99. Have more fun with my friends and family.
  100. Feel better about my appearance.
  101. Make another list once this one is complete.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The first progress post [I guess Sundays wouldbe good for this]

All right.
These are all in progress.
I am going to make another post today of the books I am currently reading! :]
I'll probably have a more substantial update soon.:]
And for next week I want to work on editing an article on Wikipedia and the Beckoning of Lovely.

1. Read all unread books on my bookshelves.
3. Graduate college with honors. [Or at least a 3.8 GPA].
5. Write in a journal every day. [4/1001]
6. Visit mainland Europe.
13. Become fluent in French [and hold a conversation with a native speaker.]
22. Get a tattoo.
53. Recommend books for 5 friends that match them. [1/5]
63. Put $5 in a piggy bank every day and then on September 29, 2011, book tickets to somewhere I haven’t been. [20/1001]
70. Mail in a secret to PostSecret.
74. Make a list of things that make me happy.
82. Keep track of all of the books read for one year.
96. Read 10 non-fiction books [that are unassigned]. [1/10]